Monday, November 12, 2007

My Christmas Wish

Have you ever asked yourself how you can make a difference in the life of others?
This is my Christmas wish. This is an open letter to the Universe, My letter to the World, My letter to Santa, This is my letter to you. I need you to help me help others.

My dream is to start a self sustained, eco farm and community on an island in the Philippines.

12 reasons why I need your help:
1. I intend to start the Together Foundation
2. It is my intention to start a community that will work for a common goal and that is to live together as an important part of the whole creation.
3. I intend to set up an eco farm raising animals, growing cash crops, growing medicinal plants.
4. I intend to start cooperatives to process the produce of the farm thereby creating livelihood for the members of the Together Community.
5. It is my intention to design and build decent homes for the members using alternative building materials.
6. It is my wish to use alternative energy for the community.
7. It is my intention to make this a green community that will help clean and heal the environment.
8. It is my wish to gather street children and homeless children and offer them shelter in the community.
9. I intend to set up a learning center for everyone in the community.
10. I intend to invite unwanted or old people without families to live with the children in a home where they can interact and share a home together.
11. It is my intention to start a micro-financing bank for the community.
12. It is my intention to use this community as a model for other future communities to help improve the lives of other people.

That is my dream ultimate life, my mission. It is a Major Goal but I know it can be done.

I am raising at least $1,000,000.00 Now.

This is an invitation for you to share, to assist me in any way to make this dream come true. I know that if at least 100,000 people support my dream then I can achieve my goal easier and sooner.

I would be very grateful for any support that you can offer.

Let Me Show You How You can help me:
• You could give me courage and moral support by writing me encouraging emails.
• You could help me manifest by believing that this is possible because this will increase the good vibrations to my heart’s desire.
• You could make my website your homepage to give me a hit so that I could get a high ranking page.
• You could link to my page to help spread the word around.
• You could offer me advice or suggestions regarding my dream project.
• You could buy the products that I am affiliate of if you think that it can help you so that I could earn my commission.
• You could give some financial support by donating $ 1 or $ 10 or whatever you want to give my project.

Experience the Joy of Giving.

1 comment:

zelly said...

Very interesting post. It was actually like reading my own mind. I also have the aspiration to "CHANGE THE WORLD" I really don't know how yet however I know I will. I would also like to help individuals in the philippines, Maybe we can connect and share ideas... make.both our christmas wises come true,